Masonic District 13 – MWSA


Article I ~ Name

Section A:

The name of this Association shall be The Masters, Wardens and Secretaries Association, AF & AM of the Thirteenth Masonic District of Texas, and this Association exists only at the will and pleasure of the Grand Lodge of Texas, acting through the Grand Master and in turn through the District Deputy Grand Masters in this district.

Article II ~ Purpose

Section A:

This Association is a cooperative service organization dependent upon the Masonic Lodges of the 13th Masonic District of Texas for support and has no authority or right to concern itself in any manner with the business or other affairs of the Lodges of these districts, or of any member thereof. All members of this Association shall retain all rights and privileges invested in them as Master Masons under the Constitution and Laws of the Grand Lodge of Texas and nothing herein shall ever be construed to restrict such rights in any manner.

Section B:

The purpose of this Association shall be:

1. To assist the District Deputy Grand Master and members of any Grand Lodge Committee in the performance of their duties when requested.

2. To promote a cooperative plan of attendance when all the Lodges of the 13th Masonic District act as host to the MW Grand Master and visiting Masons when in attendance at the annual Regional or District meetings.

3. To foster and encourage ideas and plans determined to promote a better spirit of brotherhood and widen acquaintances among the brethren of this District.

4. To promote and support educational meetings designed to bring more light to all Master Masons.

Article III ~ Membership

Section A:

All Worshipful Masters, Wardens and Secretaries of Lodges in the 13th Masonic District shall by virtue of their respective offices, be Regular members of this Association.

Section B:

All Past Masters and affiliated Past Masters of Lodges in the 13th Masonic District shall be deemed Regular members of the Association.

Section C:

Each Regular member present shall be entitled to one vote in the transactions of business.

Non-Regular members shall have no vote in the transaction of business; however, they may offer suggestions for consideration, and may serve on committees when properly appointed. The by-laws of this association are subject to change with the approval of The Grand Lodge of Texas.

Article IV ~ Officers

Section A:

The officers of this Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be elected from the regular membership and by a majority vote of the regular members present. The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined at the discretion of this Association.

Section B:

No President shall succeed himself in office.

Section C:

In the case of the death, resignation, inability, or refusal to serve of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of that office until the next regular meeting of the Association at which time that office shall be filled by election. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, the President may appoint a pro tem officer until the next regular meeting of the Association at which time that office will be filled by election.

Section D:

In the event of more than one nomination being made for any elected office, the presiding officer will cause to be passed out to each eligible voter present, one blank sheet of paper approximately one inch by three inches. The presiding officer will invite all nominees to stand in the East and each one present be identified by name. In the event of a need for a tellers committee, the presiding officer shall appoint at least five members of this Association. This committee shall be appointed at the time of the election and serve for that single election only.

Article V ~ Meetings

Section A:

Not less than four meetings shall be held per annum.

Section B:

The regular meetings of this Association shall be held on the last Saturday of January, April, July, and October.

Section C:

The election and installation of officers shall be held during the July regular Association meeting.

Section D:

A Called meeting may be held at any time that it has scheduled in the annual MWSA directory, or announced at the prior scheduled meeting, or when written notice is mailed by the President to all lodges in the 13th district. No less than 7 days will have elapsed since notification was sent before a called meeting can be held. An electronic mail announcement shall be made to as many members with viable email addresses as are listed in the annual MWSA directory. The purpose of the special called meeting will be transmitted at the same time as the announcement of the meeting.

Section E:

Any business proper to be transacted by this Association may be transacted at either a regular or called meeting, except amendments to these by-laws.

Section F:

All meetings of this Association shall be opened and closed with prayer.

Article VI ~ Order of Business

Section A:

The order of business at regular or called meetings shall be as follows, unless otherwise ordered by the President.

1. Opening prayer

2. Roll call of Lodges

3. Reading minutes of preceding meeting

4. Reports of committees

5. Unfinished business

6. New business

7. Announcements

8. Program

9. Closing prayer

Article VII ~ Committees

Section A:

The President may appoint such committees as he deems desirable and necessary to carry out the various activities of the Association.

Article VIII ~ Finance

Section A:

The work of this Association shall be carried out only by voluntary contributions, in a manner to be determined by the Association.

Article IX ~ Amendments

Section A:

No amendment to the by-laws, either by alteration or addition, shall be made unless in the following manner:

1. The proposed amendment must be in writing, signed by the proposer, and presented and read at a regular meeting of the Association, at which time it may be discussed and amended if necessary.

2. At the next regular meeting of this Association, it shall again be considered and voted upon without further amendment and approved by a two thirds majority of the regular members present.

3. With approval from Grand Lodge, the proposed amendments shall become a part of the by-laws of this Association.

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